
邮  箱:h.zhang@pku.edu.cn


1. 城市能源系统

2. 城市物流系统

3. 城市流空间



Zhang, H., Song, X., & Shibasaki, R. Big Data and Mobility as a Service. Elsevier.


1. Yao, Y., Zhang, H., Lin, L., Lin, G., Shibasaki, R., Song, X., & Yu, K. (2022). Internet of Things Positioning Technology Based Intelligent Delivery System. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.

2. Li, W., Zhang, H., Chen, J., Li, P., Yao, Y., Shi, X., ... & Shibasaki, R. (2022). Metagraph-based Life Pattern Clustering with Big Human Mobility Data. IEEE Transactions on Big Data.

3. Yao, Y., Zhang, H., Defan, F., Chen, J., Li, W., Shibasaki, R., & Song, X. (2022). Modifiable Areal Unit Problem on Grided Mobile Crowd Sensing: Analysis and Restoration. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.

4. Li, P., Zhang, H., Li, W., Yu, K., Bashir, A. K., Al Zubi, A. A., ... & Shibasaki, R. (2022). IIoT based Trustworthy Demographic Dynamics Tracking with Advanced Bayesian Learning. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.

5. Shi, X., Zhang, H., Yuan, W., Huang, D., Guo, Z., & Shibasaki, R. (2022). Learning Social Compliant Multi-Modal Distributions Of Human Path In Crowds. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 4, 91-98.

6. Zhang, H., Chen, J., Chen, Q., Xia, T., Wang, X., Li, W., ... & Shibasaki, R. (2022). A universal mobility-based indicator for regional health level. Cities, 120, 103452.

7. Zhang, H., & Yan, J. (2022). Co-benefits of renewable energy development: A brighter sky brings greater renewable power. Joule, 6(6), 1142-1144.

8. Li, P., Zhang, H., Guo, Z., Lyu, S., Chen, J., Li, W., ... & Yan, J. (2021). Understanding rooftop PV panel semantic segmentation of satellite and aerial images for better using machine learning. Advances in applied energy, 4, 100057.

9. Zhang, H., Chen, J., Yan, J., Song, X., Shibasaki, R., & Yan, J. (2021). Urban power load profiles under ageing transition integrated with future EVs charging. Advances in Applied Energy, 1, 100007.

10. Zhang, H., Yan, J., Yu, Q., Obersteiner, M., Li, W., Chen, J., ... & Shibasaki, R. (2021). 1.6 Million transactions replicate distributed PV market slowdown by COVID-19 lockdown. Applied Energy, 283, 116341.

11. Sui, Y., Zhang, H., Shang, W., Sun, R., Wang, C., Ji, J., ... & Shao, F. (2020). Mining urban sustainable performance: Spatio-temporal emission potential changes of urban transit buses in post-COVID-19 future. Applied Energy, 280, 115966.

12. Li, P., Zhang, H., Wang, X., Song, X., & Shibasaki, R. (2020). A spatial finer electric load estimation method based on night-light satellite image. Energy, 209, 118475.

13. Yuan, M., Zhang, H., Wang, B., Zhang, Y., Zhou, X., & Liang, Y. (2020). Future scenario of China's downstream oil reform: Improving the energy-environmental efficiency of the pipeline networks through interconnectivity. Energy Policy, 140, 111403.

14. Song, X., Zhang, H., Akerkar, R. A., Huang, H., Guo, S., Zhong, L., ... & Culotta, A. (2020). Big data and emergency management: concepts, methodologies, and applications. IEEE Transactions on Big Data.

15. Zheng, J., Zhang, H., Dai, Y., Wang, B., Zheng, T., Liao, Q., ... & Song, X. (2020). Time series prediction for output of multi-region solar power plants. Applied Energy, 257, 114001.

16. Yuan, M., Zhang, H., Wang, B., Huang, L., Fang, K., & Liang, Y. (2020). Downstream oil supply security in China: policy implications from quantifying the impact of oil import disruption. Energy Policy, 136, 111077.

17. Xia, T., Song, X., Zhang, H., Song, X., Kanasugi, H., & Shibasaki, R. (2019). Measuring spatio-temporal accessibility to emergency medical services through big GPS data. Health & place, 56, 53-62.

18. Zhang, H., Yuan, M., Liang, Y., & Liao, Q. (2018). A novel particle swarm optimization based on prey–predator relationship. Applied Soft Computing, 68, 202-218.

19. Zhang, H., Yuan, M., Liang, Y., Wang, B., Zhang, W., & Zheng, J. (2018). A risk assessment based optimization method for route selection of hazardous liquid railway network. Safety science, 110, 217-229.

20. Zhang, H., Song, X., Xia, T., Yuan, M., Fan, Z., Shibasaki, R., & Liang, Y. (2018). Battery electric vehicles in Japan: Human mobile behavior based adoption potential analysis and policy target response. Applied Energy, 220, 527-535.



1. Advances in Applied Energy, Subject Editor

2. Petroleum Science, Associate Editor

3. Engineering Reports, Associate Editor

4. Sustainability Analytics and Modeling, Editorial Board Member

5. Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering, Editorial Board Member

6. Applied Energy Symposium: Low carbon cities and urban energy systems, Track Chair of Organizing Committee