
电  话:  0755-26038830
邮  箱:junqingtang@pku.edu.cn



1. 韧性城市与防灾减灾 (Resilient Cities and Disaster Risk Reduction)

2. 大数据与城市计算 (Big Data and Urban Computing)

3. 智慧城市中的模型开发(Modelling in Smart Cities)

4. 交通地理与规划 (Transport Geography and Planning)










2010-2013 ,英国卡迪夫大学,建筑工程系,学士



必修课:地理统计模型与方法 (3学分)秋季


· 科研项目

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,国家自然科学基金委员会,台风灾害链影响下的沿海城市交通韧性研究——以深圳市为例,2024-2027,主持,在研

2. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,广东省基金委,台风灾害影响下城市弱势群体出行移动行为的脆弱性评估与抗风险策略研究:以粤港澳大湾区城市为例,2022-2025,主持,在研

3. 粤深联合基金青年项目,广东省基金委,大数据驱动的粤港澳大湾区韧性城市动态评价研究,2021-2024,主持,在研

4. UCL-PKU Strategic Partner Funding Scheme(伦敦大学学院-北京大学战略合作伙伴基金),Enabling a Sustainable New Normal by Learning from Experiences in UK and Chinese Cities10/2021-12/2022,共同主持,北京大学方负责人,完成5. National Research Foundation Singapore (新加坡国家科学基金), DREAMIN’s SG: Disaster REsilience Assessment, Modelling, and INovation Singapore, 10/2020-03/2022, 共同主持,子课题负责人,完成

6. The Ove Arup Foundation (奥雅纳基金), TOAF Programme for Transitioning Cities, Digital Cities for Change (DC2), 01/2020-01/2022, 骨干,完成

7. National Research Foundation Singapore(新加坡国家科学基金), Future Resilient Systems Phase I - Resilience metric and outliers, 09/2014-04/2019, 参与,完成.

· 代表性论著

[2023]Tang, J., Zhao, P.*, Gong, Z., Zhao, H., Huang, F., Li, J., Chen, Z., Yu, L., Chen, J. Resilience patterns of human mobility in response to extreme urban floods. National Science Review, nwad097.

[2023]Tang, J.*, Han, S., Wang, J., He, B., Peng, J. A comparative analysis of performance-based resilience metrics via a quantitative-qualitative combined approach: Are we measuring the same thing? International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 14, 736-750.

[2023] 黄沣爵, 汤俊卿*, 林华丽, 韩颂, 赵鹏军. 基于多尺度地理加权回归模型的城市建成环境对共享单车空间分布影响研究. 地理研究, 42(9), 2405-2418.

[2022] Tang, J., Lin, H., Fan, X., Yu, X., A topology-based evaluation of resilience on urban road networks against epidemic spread: Implications for COVID-19 responses. Frontiers in Public Health.

[2022] Cañavera-Herrera, J.S., Tang, J.*, Nochta, T. and Schooling, J.M., On the relation between ‘resilience’and ‘smartness’: A critical review. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 102970.

[2022] Wang, X., Peng, J., Tang, J.*, Lu, Q., Li, X., Investigating the impact of adding new airline routes on air transportation resilience in China. Transport Policy,125,79-95.

[2022] Tang, J.*, Wan, L. Schooling, J., Zhao, P., Chen, J., Wei, S., Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) in smart cities: A systematic review on technological advancement and application cases. Cities, 129, 103833.

[2021] Tang, J., Xu, L., Luo, C. and Ng, T.S.A.,  Multi-disruption resilience assessment of rail transit systems with optimized commuter flows. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 214, 107715.

[2020] Tang, J., Heinimann, HR., Han, K., Luo, H., Zhong, B., Evaluating resilience in urban transportation systems for sustainability: A systems-based Bayesian network model. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 121: 102840.

· 奖项荣誉

1. 深圳市人工智能学会第三届优秀学术论文(2023)

2. 北京大学城市规划与设计学院年度优秀教师奖(2023,2024)

3. 深圳市海外高层次人才 (2021)

4. 国家优秀自费(非公费)留学生奖,国家留学基金委 (2019)